Participating in the two-day international summit on social entrepreneurship ‘Development Dialogue’, organised by Deshpande Foundation, Managing Director and CEO of IL&FS Skills R.C.M. Reddy and Vice-Chancellor of KLE Technological University, Ashok Shettar, emphasised on the importance of integrating skills with formal education and the necessity to take blended learning into campuses imparting formal education.

IL&FS Skills was awarded, ‘Best Training Partner-Training’ by Tourism & Hospitality Skill Council (THSC).

Certificates were distributed by Mr. Mohit Jain, Director Technical Service, Lixil and Mr. RCM Reddy, MD & CEO, IL&FS SKills to 150 plumbers on completion of the programme.

IL&FS Skills was awarded for ‘Innovations in Corporate Social Responsibility Practices’ at ETNow CSR Leadership Awards, 2019.