
Buoyed by strong domestic consumption, Oil imports rose sharply to US$ 87.37 billion in 2017-18 from US$ 70.72 billion in 2016-17. LNG imports increased to 26.11 bcm in 2017-18 from 24.48 bcm in 2016-17. Gas pipeline infrastructure in the country stood at 16,771 km at the beginning of September 2018. The Government’s ambitious project of ramping domestic and oil gas production would require oil companies to hire more skilled people and upgrade the skills of the existing workforce. 

In line with the National Skill Mission of India, Hydrocarbon Sector Skill Council (HSSC) for the Oil & Gas sector has been set up under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG) with its primary objective to execute skill development activities in Indian Hydrocarbon Sector and meeting the entire value chain’s requirement of appropriately trained manpower in quantity and quality on a sustained and evolving basis. The HSSC envisages to train and offer skill-based certification programmes for approximately 7.30 lakhs workforce up to 2022. It is expected that after appropriate training and certification, the quality of service and efficiency at the workplace is likely to see a quantum jump.

The Approach

Upkilling (45 days) and short-term placement linked programme (less than 6 months) for the job roles of:
• Industrial Electrician
• Industrial Welding
• Retail Outlet Attendant
• LPG Mechanic
